Christmas is…

Christmas is a gift of love wrapped in human flesh and tied securely with the strong promises of God.
Christmas is angelic music in the form of a carol and oratorio with a celestial descant.
Christmas is “glory to God,” “good will to man,” and “joy to the world.”
Christmas is “peace on earth” for those who accept it and live in unity with God’s will.
Christmas is a man on duty tending sheep, or machine, who senses the upward call and stops to worship.
Christmas is a tall green tree which serves as festive altar for any household which discovers the true meaning behind it all.
Christmas is a ringing bell calling a distraught humanity to gladness and hope.
Christmas is a glowing hearth gently placed in the winter of man’s loneliness.
Christmas is an altar to which man can bring his heartache for comfort, his lostness for guidance, and his sin for forgiveness.
Christmas is the sparkle of anticipation and the steady light of faith in the eyes of a little child as he hears the old, old story.
Christmas is the shining star of hope in the sky of all mankind.
Christmas is more than words can tell, for it is a matter for the heart to receive, believe and understand.
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